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Member clusters management


    • Kubectl v0.20.15+
    • KubeAdmiral cluster
    • Client cert, client key and CA information of the new member cluster

    Associate member clusters

    1.Get the kubeconfig of the member cluster

    Replace KUBEADMIRAL_CLUSTER_KUBECONFIG with the kubeconfig path to connect to the KubeAdmiral cluster.


    2.Encode the client certificate, client key, and CA for the member cluster

    Replace NEW_CLUSTER_CA, NEW_CLUSTER_CERT, and NEW_CLUSTER_KEY with the CA(certificate authority), client certificate, and client key of the new member cluster, respectively (you can obtain these from the kubeconfig of the member cluster).

    $ export ca_data=$(base64 NEW_CLUSTER_CA)
    $ export cert_data=$(base64 NEW_CLUSTER_CERT)
    $ export key_data=$(base64 NEW_CLUSTER_KEY)

    3.Create Secret in KubeAdmiral for storing connection information for the member cluster

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the new member cluster:

    $ kubectl apply -f - << EOF
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: CLUSTER_NAME
      namespace: kube-admiral-system
      certificate-authority-data: $ca_data
      client-certificate-data: $cert_data
      client-key-data: $key_data

    4.Create a FederatedCluster object for the member cluster in KubeAdmiral

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME and CLUSTER_ENDPOINT with the name and address of the member cluster:

    $ kubectl apply -f - << EOF
    kind: FederatedCluster
      name: $CLUSTER_NAME
      apiEndpoint: $CLUSTER_ENDPOINT
        name: $CLUSTER_NAME
      useServiceAccount: true

    5.View member cluster status

    If both the KubeAdmiral control plane and the member cluster are working properly, the association process should complete quickly and you should see the following:

    $ kubectl get federatedclusters
    NAME                   READY   JOINED   AGE
    CLUSTER_NAME           True    True     1m

    Note: The status of successfully associated member clusters should be READY and JOINED.

    Dissociate member clusters

    6.Delete the FederatedCluster object corresponding to the member cluster in KubeAdmiral

    Replace CLUSTER_NAME with the name of the member cluster to be deleted.

    $ kubectl delete federatedcluster CLUSTER_NAME